
Age 18 and above

Mission and Scriptural References

We the GRAY ROAD JAIL TEAM share our vision and mission statement as the following:

To reach those souls behind prison bars and walls both physical and mental. To serve the Good News to all those that are in bondage who have hurts, hang-ups and habits. It is the continued commitment of this Ministry to provide its resources to reach out to those that are incarcerated, and also to the families of those affected by incarceration with the Love of Christ as it is outlined in Matthew 25:36. We will attempt to have an impact on the recidivism rate in our community and aid in reentry programming for ex-offenders in transition with Pathfinders. lt is the continued commitment of the Ministry to fulfill its part of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by leading the ex-offender to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, then helping them to mature in their faith through a structured discipleship and mentoring program and to help them to seek the church. Matthew 28:18-20, Colossians 1:28, 29. It is the continued commitment of this Ministry to preach and teach sound doctrinal principles using the Word of God as its only authority: 2 Timothy 3: 16, believing that the renewing of the mind can come no other way than through the regeneration of the heart by the Holy Spirit, and obedience to the Word of God. John 3:3, Titus 3:5, Romans 12:1, 2.

Ministry Coordinator

Ken Berry